More Florida Manatees Have Died This Year Than in All of 2017
From: The Bulletin
“As of Aug. 18, the most recent date for the running total, the Red Tide bloom had been verified as the cause of death for 29 manatees, and was suspected of killing…
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From: The Bulletin
“As of Aug. 18, the most recent date for the running total, the Red Tide bloom had been verified as the cause of death for 29 manatees, and was suspected of killing…
From: The Independent
“We expect the red tide-related manatee death toll to rise,” Jeff Ruch, executive director for NGO Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, told AP.…
From: The Guardian
“Manatees are dying in alarming numbers in Florida this year – the toll significantly increased by the “red tide” toxic algae bloom blighting large areas of the coast…
From: Orlando Sentinel
“We expect the red tide related manatee death toll to rise," said Jeff Ruch, executive director for Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a D.C.-based…
From: CNN
“In just the first eight months of the year, the number of manatee deaths in Florida has surpassed the total for all of 2017, according to a report by Public Employees for…
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