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US Government Officials Visit, Learn About Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes

From: Char-Koosta News

“CSKT employees were escorted off the National Bison Range by armed officials and locked out pending an investigation of the claims. CSKT Vice Chairman Leonard…

US Advocacy Group Sues EPA over Unreleased Formaldehdye IRIS Assessment

From: Chemical Watch

“Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), a US alliance of state and federal professionals, is suing the US EPA for failing to respond to a public…

Outdoor Activist Tim Mason Righted Many Wrongs

From: The Gazette

“Only because Tim Mason was dogged did the biggest official mass desecrations of Indian prehistoric burial sites in U.S. history come to light,” said Jeff Ruch, executive…

Where Are Trump's Watchdogs?

From: Greenwire

“After eight years as EPA's inspector general, Arthur Elkins is stepping down next month. Interior has had an acting IG in place for more than nine years, and President…

Editorial: Scott is a Disaster on Environment

From: Ocala Star Banner

“From the moment the health-care multimillionaire swept into office on 2010′s Tea Party anti-tax, anti-regulation wave, he began slashing the Department of Environmental…

News Releases

Lawsuit Launched Over BLM’s Failure to Report Threats to Desert Tortoise, Other Imperiled Species in California Deserts

SAN FRANCISCO— Environmental groups filed a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Bureau of Land Management today for failing for seven years to report impacts to the desert tortoise and similarly threatened…