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Hightower: If You Drain the Swamp, Where Do the Swamp Critters Go?

From: Magic Valley

"Pendley’s zealotry carries him even deeper into paranoiac nuttiness. He lists a sextet of villains he believes are “at war” with western civilization: radical environmentalists,…

CDC scientist George Luber seeking whistleblower protection

From: Chemistry World

"George Luber alleges that the agency retaliated against him for speaking out on climate change and for raising concerns that it was shifting funds intended for…

CSB ends appeal of ruling on chemical emissions disclosure

From: Safe and Healthy Magazine

"The Chemical Safety Board has dropped its appeal of a federal court decision that requires the agency to regulate the reporting of chemical emissions…


From: The Business Journal

"Despite that claim, a report was ready but never released, said Jeff Ruch, Pacific region director for Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility…

Climate Politics

From: Resilience

"George Luber, an official with the Asthma and Community Health Branch of the National Center for Environmental Health, intends to file a whistleblower complaint over…

News Releases

Lawsuit Launched Over BLM’s Failure to Report Threats to Desert Tortoise, Other Imperiled Species in California Deserts

SAN FRANCISCO— Environmental groups filed a notice of intent to sue the U.S. Bureau of Land Management today for failing for seven years to report impacts to the desert tortoise and similarly threatened…