Judicial Watch: The nation's FOIA champion
From: Washington Times
“In second place was the American Civil Liberties Union with 130 requests, followed by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (94 requests), Citizens…
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From: Washington Times
“In second place was the American Civil Liberties Union with 130 requests, followed by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (94 requests), Citizens…
From: Gizmodo
“There’s still a lot scientists don’t know about how the Trump Administration’s plan to drill for oil and gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska would impact…
From: National Parks Traveler
“The purpose of the assessment is to consider a right-of-way permit request for updating and expanding telecommunication capabilities in developed areas of Grand…
From: The Daily Caller
“Members of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) will appear at a hearing Thursday to argue over the handling of former CSB managing director Daniel Horowitz’s termination…
From: E&E News
“Newly leaked Interior Department documents raise questions about the environmental review of oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge's coastal plain. The documents…
Last Year’s Mortality Spike Already Topped Before December Cold Snaps
Complaint Seeks to End Federal Reliance on Flawed 42-Year-Old Study
Task Force Viewed No Material, Produced No Notes or Draft Recommendations
Petroleum Cleanup $ Misdirected Outside Spring-Sheds or to Low Priority Projects
Schools, Day-Care, Nursing Homes Lack Warning on Unsafe Drinking Water