From: Politico
"Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, said EPA employees are in perhaps the “deepest pit of despair” among his group’s…
Journalists: Please sign up for PEERmedia to receive all our recent releases, documents and other information that affect not only public employees, but the public at large.
From: Politico
"Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, said EPA employees are in perhaps the “deepest pit of despair” among his group’s…
From: Missoulian
"This whole dimension of communication didn’t exist before and hadn’t been controversial because it was used as a means to amplify talking points,” said Jeff Ruch,…
From: The New Yorker
"A recent survey from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility showed that staffers at the Bureau of Land Management, where oil and gas exploration primarily…
From: The Journal
"A recent survey from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility showed that staffers at the Bureau of Land Management, where oil and gas exploration primarily…
From: Huffington Post
"“Simply put, administration attempts to manipulate science to fit its official talking points will inescapably fail, automatically be leaked and subject your…
Legitimacy of Acting Directors of Parks, BLM, and Fish & Wildlife Remains in Doubt
As He Is a Declared Reelection Candidate, Disparaging Trump May Violate the Hatch Act
Washington—Scott Pruitt and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) appear to be violating federal records laws by systematically failing to create and maintain documents of essential EPA activities,…
All Decisions by Acting Park Service, BLM, and Fish & Wildlife Heads Legally Void
Pruitt Sued to Produce Noninterference Directives He Claims to Have Issued