From: High Country News
“...some watchdog groups worry that any findings about Zinke’s conduct will simply pass unnoticed without outside pressure. Investigations are only effective…
Journalists: Please sign up for PEERmedia to receive all our recent releases, documents and other information that affect not only public employees, but the public at large.
From: High Country News
“...some watchdog groups worry that any findings about Zinke’s conduct will simply pass unnoticed without outside pressure. Investigations are only effective…
From: Sacramento News & Review
“Based on information PEER says it discovered through Freedom of Information Act requests, its members are asking the inspector general to investigate…
From: The Buffalo News
““These are the least politically popular animals I’ve ever encountered,” Ruch said. “All we’re saying is learn about them before you shoot them.” Ruch added:…
From: Greenwire
“"It's the sort of sloppy science that gets the Fish and Wildlife Service sued regularly," PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch said today of the agency's latest work,…
From: Government Executive
““No one has apparently even asked whether environmentally sensitive federal lands and waters will be subjected to doses of antimicrobial chemicals, insecticides…
Bid to End Legal Limbo – Nearly 7 Months on Paid Administrative Leave
Frenetic Drive to Visit All 388 Parks Puts Strain on Staff & Budget
Agency Broke Its Own Rules By Ignoring Violations
Headquarters Creating an Inventory as Telecom Companies Target Parks
Yellowstone Park Ignores Findings of Violations