From: Greenwire
“The six-page complaint from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, alleges that OMB has refused…
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From: Greenwire
“The six-page complaint from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, filed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, alleges that OMB has refused…
From: The Revelator
“ “The Florida panther is suffering slow-motion extinction,” said Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, in a recent…
From: Cape Cod Times
“Equally troubling is the opaque process in which this 42-point plan came to be. According to the EPA, 107 department members worked on the report for a month before…
From: Washington Post
““One of the things he’s tried to do is repaint himself as an environmental governor,” said Jerry Phillips, a former enforcement attorney at the state’s Department…
From: New York Daily News
““It is disturbing but perhaps indicative that the Trump people would resurrect a political hatchet man to take the helm at the National Park Service,” Jeff…
Scientists initiate status review in response to citizen petition
Landmark decision finds U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service used illegal definition
Emergency Removal of Horses But Not Cattle Inspector General Report on Grazing Enforcement Stalled
Local FWS biologists' science-based proposal gutted
$70 Million "Draft" Is Internally Inconsistent, Intentionally Inaccurate & Incomplete