From: High Country News
“...some watchdog groups worry that any findings about Zinke’s conduct will simply pass unnoticed without outside pressure. Investigations are only effective…
Journalists: Please sign up for PEERmedia to receive all our recent releases, documents and other information that affect not only public employees, but the public at large.
From: High Country News
“...some watchdog groups worry that any findings about Zinke’s conduct will simply pass unnoticed without outside pressure. Investigations are only effective…
From: Sacramento News & Review
“Based on information PEER says it discovered through Freedom of Information Act requests, its members are asking the inspector general to investigate…
From: The Buffalo News
““These are the least politically popular animals I’ve ever encountered,” Ruch said. “All we’re saying is learn about them before you shoot them.” Ruch added:…
From: Greenwire
“"It's the sort of sloppy science that gets the Fish and Wildlife Service sued regularly," PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch said today of the agency's latest work,…
From: Government Executive
““No one has apparently even asked whether environmentally sensitive federal lands and waters will be subjected to doses of antimicrobial chemicals, insecticides…
Green Alternatives Nixed Even Though Billions Cheaper
Says It Lacks Staff to Consider Request for Ex-Boarding School Headmaster Records
"Serious Hazards Exist for Visitors and Employees" Says Memo
State Withholds Report Decrying Lack of Commitment, Leadership and Focus
Groups Sue for Release of Administration Documents/Records on Censoring Lincoln Memorial Video