From: Greenwire
“EPA's Superfund Task Force, which helped create the list, kept no internal records of its activities, according to the agency's response to Freedom Of Information Act…
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From: Greenwire
“EPA's Superfund Task Force, which helped create the list, kept no internal records of its activities, according to the agency's response to Freedom Of Information Act…
From: The Tribune
“The advocacy group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, known as PEER, quickly filed a Freedom of Information Act request seeking a long list of documents…
From: Talking Points Memo News
“The task force in June issued a nearly three-dozen page report containing 42 detailed recommendations, all of which Pruitt immediately adopted. The advocacy…
From: Juneau Empire
“On Monday, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility said by email that a 9-cent per-barrel excise tax on all American crude oil will expire at the end…
From: Public Opinion
“ “The Pentagon is the most prolific and profound polluter on the planet,” said Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility,…
State Grasping for Quick Fixes to Broken Brownfields Program
Honors Contrast with Official Resistance to Reform
15-Fold Increase Tied to Pollution
New Strategic Plan Does Not Square with Track Record of Political Manipulation
Agency Asserts Its Environmental Responsibilities Evaporate After Six Years