From: Cape Cod Times
“...another plaintiff in the case, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, worries too that the draft supplement will not address that group's concerns…
Journalists: Please sign up for PEERmedia to receive all our recent releases, documents and other information that affect not only public employees, but the public at large.
From: Cape Cod Times
“...another plaintiff in the case, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, worries too that the draft supplement will not address that group's concerns…
From: Buzzfeed
“Led by the nonprofit group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, the suit claimed that the agency had not conducted an environmental review or drafted a…
From: NRDC
“When federal scientists launched @AltUSNatParkService and other rogue Twitter accounts to battle the Trump administration’s censorship of climate change facts on government…
From: Missoula Independent
“"Secretary Zinke has repeatedly pledged to oppose the transfer of any federal lands," PEER Senior Counsel Paula Dinerstein said in a statement. "Now he has…
From: Inforum
“Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, based in Silver Spring, Md., is representing Lundgren in a whistleblower complaint that comes up in March before the…
SAN FRANCISCO— The Bush administration today refused to extend the protections of the Endangered Species Act to the rare Sand Mountain blue butterfly, despite the fact that it has steadily declined…
Environmental Prosecutions at Risk from Loss of Original Documents and Cost
“Sovereign Immunity” Claim Voids Pollution Report Shields for EPA Specialists
Inspector General Reports and Workplace Survey Show Imploding Interior Morale
Jurisdiction and Subpoena Limits Hamstring Questionable Special Counsel Gambit