From: Politico
"Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, said EPA employees are in perhaps the “deepest pit of despair” among his group’s…
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From: Politico
"Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, said EPA employees are in perhaps the “deepest pit of despair” among his group’s…
From: Missoulian
"This whole dimension of communication didn’t exist before and hadn’t been controversial because it was used as a means to amplify talking points,” said Jeff Ruch,…
From: The New Yorker
"A recent survey from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility showed that staffers at the Bureau of Land Management, where oil and gas exploration primarily…
From: The Journal
"A recent survey from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility showed that staffers at the Bureau of Land Management, where oil and gas exploration primarily…
From: Huffington Post
"“Simply put, administration attempts to manipulate science to fit its official talking points will inescapably fail, automatically be leaked and subject your…
Current and Ex-Workers Testify on Safety, Preparedness and Culture of Reprisal
Federal Register Notice Asks for Public Comments on Revoking Registration
Controversy Surrounding EPA Pesticide Experiments on Infants Lingers
Air Crashes, Bio-Agent Security Lapses and Mega-Poison Misuse Beset Feds
Army Corps Refuses to Share Costs of Deficient Everglades Clean Up Projects