From: Seattle Times
“Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), a national nonprofit specializing in government scientist whistleblower protection, in April filed a 12-page…
Journalists: Please sign up for PEERmedia to receive all our recent releases, documents and other information that affect not only public employees, but the public at large.
From: Seattle Times
“Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), a national nonprofit specializing in government scientist whistleblower protection, in April filed a 12-page…
From: Vice News
““It sends the message that it’s OK to violate the law and it’s the cost of doing business. And that’s a problem because it shouldn’t be a cost of doing business,” said…
From: Huff Post
“These citizen groups – Public Citizen (see citizen.org), Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (see peer.org), The Government Accountability Project (GAP,…
From: Canada Free Press
““From our point of view, it’s kind of obvious,” said Jeff Ruch, the executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), when asked…
EPA Staff Decry Hypocrisy of Johnson’s Pledges of Scientific Rigor and Openness
Boating Speed Limits, Warning Signs and Swim-With Harassment at Issue
Listing Delay Blocks Safeguards Urged by Scientists Contrary to Agency Testimony
Shell Plans for LNG and Tanker Traffic in Chukchi Sea Barred from Lease Review
18-Year Downward Trend Undercuts Congressional Plan to Build Bigger Locks