From: Law 360
"Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility said in its complaint that had it filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the concentrations of more than 100…
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From: Law 360
"Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility said in its complaint that had it filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the concentrations of more than 100…
From: NBC Bay Area
"To put it in perspective - in Flint where we had lead exposure in the water it was one and a half times that of safe drinking water level. Here they're talking about…
From: Sonoran News
"The plan would wire wilderness in violation of law, as well as contravene National Park Service (NPS) policy and the very purpose for which Theodore Roosevelt National…
From: Idaho Statesman
"“Unless (the Justice Department) is with these agencies, they are going to approach this with one arm tied behind their back,” said Jeff Ruch, executive director…
From: The News Press
"The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility's statistics bear out the pro-industry position, reporting an 85% drop in environmental enforcement for every…
Park Baiting Buffalo to Corrals Violates Its Own “Do Not Feed Wildlife” Policy
Former Long-Time Kofa Wildlife Refuge Biologist Says His Agency Is All Wet
Law Enforcement Wants “Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” Hovering Above Forests
$40,000 Fine on Five Counts Involving Illegal Discharges and False Certifications
Long Overdue Step Closes Main Pathway to Childhood Lead Poisoning in the U.S.