From: Cape Cod Times
“...another plaintiff in the case, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, worries too that the draft supplement will not address that group's concerns…
Journalists: Please sign up for PEERmedia to receive all our recent releases, documents and other information that affect not only public employees, but the public at large.
From: Cape Cod Times
“...another plaintiff in the case, Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, worries too that the draft supplement will not address that group's concerns…
From: Buzzfeed
“Led by the nonprofit group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, the suit claimed that the agency had not conducted an environmental review or drafted a…
From: NRDC
“When federal scientists launched @AltUSNatParkService and other rogue Twitter accounts to battle the Trump administration’s censorship of climate change facts on government…
From: Missoula Independent
“"Secretary Zinke has repeatedly pledged to oppose the transfer of any federal lands," PEER Senior Counsel Paula Dinerstein said in a statement. "Now he has…
From: Inforum
“Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, based in Silver Spring, Md., is representing Lundgren in a whistleblower complaint that comes up in March before the…
Rep. Henry Brown Evades Forest Service Assessment for 4 Years, Penalty Waived
U.S. Senate Hearing Grasping for Solutions to Rising Toll of ORVs on Public Lands
Wildlife Services’ Sodium Cyanide Device Killed Dog and Sickened Hunter
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