From: Environment News Service
"PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch told ENS that now there is a feeling of “utter confusion” among EPA employees. “They are feeling that they have been…
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From: Environment News Service
"PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch told ENS that now there is a feeling of “utter confusion” among EPA employees. “They are feeling that they have been…
From: Greenwire
"When Badlands National Park deleted four tweets on climate facts yesterday, a dormant Twitter account came back to life: @AltNatParkSer."
Read More … | Jan 25, 2017
From: Climatewire
""The Badlands tweets came as Trump administration officials issued instructions to several agencies, including U.S. EPA, the Agriculture Department and the Interior…
From: Greenwire
"Jeff Ruch, executive director of the nonprofit Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, warned this week that the freeze could compound existing staff shortages…
From: Newsmax
""From what we can tell, the cloud of Mordor is descending across the federal service," Jeff Ruch, executive director of the watchdog group Public Employees for Environmental…
State Ignored Staff Warnings of Continued Exposure Even in “Remediated” Sites
EPA Employees Want Committed Leaders Able to Resist Political Pressure
Supreme Court Sonar Ruling Product of NOAA Appointee with Track Record
Lame Duck Session May Withhold Funding for Any More Promulgation of Rules
Senior EPA Agent Charges Criminal Investigation Truncated and Fines Slashed