From: Politico
"Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, said EPA employees are in perhaps the “deepest pit of despair” among his group’s…
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From: Politico
"Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, said EPA employees are in perhaps the “deepest pit of despair” among his group’s…
From: Missoulian
"This whole dimension of communication didn’t exist before and hadn’t been controversial because it was used as a means to amplify talking points,” said Jeff Ruch,…
From: The New Yorker
"A recent survey from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility showed that staffers at the Bureau of Land Management, where oil and gas exploration primarily…
From: The Journal
"A recent survey from Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility showed that staffers at the Bureau of Land Management, where oil and gas exploration primarily…
From: Huffington Post
"“Simply put, administration attempts to manipulate science to fit its official talking points will inescapably fail, automatically be leaked and subject your…
Pennsylvania Auditor General Asked to Investigate State Agencies’ Inaction
State Wants EPA to Act on Rising Chemical Contamination of Water Supplies
Chilling Effect of Excessive Message Control over Technical Experts Decried
Employee Survey Underlines Drinking Water, Sewage and Big Compliance Questions
Large Categories of Enforcement, Inspection and Property Records Going Off Limits