EPA Prosecutions Against Polluters Lowest in 30 Years
From: Fortune
“Of the 166 cases referred last year for prosecution, just 62 federal convictions were secured, the lowest since 1995. Jeff Ruch, executive director of the organization…
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From: Fortune
“Of the 166 cases referred last year for prosecution, just 62 federal convictions were secured, the lowest since 1995. Jeff Ruch, executive director of the organization…
From: Courthouse News
“According to Justice Department data gathered by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER), the EPA opened 166 criminal cases against polluters…
From: News Channel 5
“The day before the hearing, an environmental group released a new report claiming the EPA's "criminal enforcement program was missing in action" last year. Public…
From: The Hill
“News of the probe comes as EPA’s Inspector General (IG) continues its own investigation into the agency's enforcement figures and as the EPA is gearing up to release…
From: Coeur d'Alene Press
“But the 166 cases referred for prosecution in the last fiscal year is the lowest number since 1988, when Ronald Reagan was president and 151 cases were referred,…
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