From: The Scientist
“Pruitt has yet to put forth any details on how the EPA’s functions may change given its diminished staff, Jeff Ruch, executive director of the nonprofit Public…
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From: The Scientist
“Pruitt has yet to put forth any details on how the EPA’s functions may change given its diminished staff, Jeff Ruch, executive director of the nonprofit Public…
From: Houston Chronicle
“Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a group representing government environmental workers, published data obtained under the Freedom of Information…
From: LA Times
“Pruitt also has targeted more than 30 rules and regulations for rescission or rollback, and, according to the Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility advocacy…
From: The Hill
“A former Trump campaign aide has been charged with decisions on grant funding at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Washington Post reported."
From: The Wall Street Journal
“Mr. Pruitt hasn’t laid out any plan for how to reshape the agency or its priorities, making it more difficult to improve its performance with fewer resources,…
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