Zinke and Trump Are Ignoring the Public
From: Outside
“Erosions of public input about decisions on public lands aren’t new. They also occurred under the Obama administration, says Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees…
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From: Outside
“Erosions of public input about decisions on public lands aren’t new. They also occurred under the Obama administration, says Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees…
From: Bloomberg Environment
“Investigators at a small federal agency that examine major industrial disasters are focusing on the most relevant safety recommendations—a change from past…
From: KFSK
“The timber sale problems were highlighted by the group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, or PEER, a nationwide watchdog group based in Silver Spring, Maryland.…
From: S&P Global
“Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, or PEER, found that the statements "stand in contrast to published research and conclusions of the EPA" and therefore…
From: Inside NoVa
“In 2013, the EPA retracted its prior safety assurances about of rubber tire turf fields, according to PEER. PEER became involved in the issue after an EPA toxicologist…
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