Wildlife Refuges Eliminate Part-Time Law Enforcement Officers
From: The Missoula Current
“The American ideal of the friendly public-land ranger still persists, complete with Smoky Bear hat and horse companion. But by the end of this year, the…
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From: The Missoula Current
“The American ideal of the friendly public-land ranger still persists, complete with Smoky Bear hat and horse companion. But by the end of this year, the…
From: The Hill
“The nation has 562 national wildlife refuges spread across 20.6 million acres of public land. Unlike national parks, mining, drilling, hunting and farming are all regulated…
From: West Hawaii Today
“The lawsuit seeks an injunction for the FAA to implement the Air Tour Management Plan over Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, something both the FAA and the National…
From: ABCNews
“"Children’s health is a top priority at EPA, and we have made tremendous progress improving air and water quality and helping kids and families lead healthier lives,"…
From: CNN
“Michael Halpern with the Union of Concerned Scientists, which has opposed other Trump administration moves, said combining the offices would bury a once-influential position…
Still Using Decades-Old Assessments Lacking Analysis of Known Human Impacts
Black Elk Blast Killed Three; Agency “Cannot Estimate” Investigation Completion
Science Was Afterthought in Developing Preferred Alternatives for Wolf Recovery
NTSB Recommendations on San Bruno and Enbridge Calamities Not Implemented
Fixed Mountain Climbing Anchors, Widened Road Corridors among Problems Cited