Court Challenges May Loom for 'Acting' Decisions
From: Greenwire
“The Government Accountability Office appears to have punted on determining the legality of certain actions taken by temporary Interior Department appointees. So federal…
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From: Greenwire
“The Government Accountability Office appears to have punted on determining the legality of certain actions taken by temporary Interior Department appointees. So federal…
From: Natural Gas Intel
“Zinke's plans for the review were outlined in a two-page memo posted Tuesday by the nonprofit group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).…
From: Wyoming Public Media
“In the memo Zinke asked Interior bureaus to examine and contrast state versus federal policies over the next month and a half, and then provide recommendations…
From: Truth Out
“Since taking office, Donald Trump has waged a relentless attack on the nation’s waterways, but his efforts to strip away protections for rivers and wetlands have run…
From: Grand Canyon Guide
“Jeff Ruch, executive director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, said the organization has some concerns about Vela’s lack of transparency…
One Analysis Shows Tiny Fraction Answered; Most Languish for Decades
NRC Withholding Documents Confirming Risks to One-Third of U.S. Nuclear Plants
NOAA Admits Official Counts Significantly Underestimate True By-Catch Toll
Fish & Wildlife Service Forces Contractor to Axe Scientists Due to Sign-On Letter
Pacific Herring Tissue Samples from 2005 Figure in Ongoing Exxon Valdez Litigation