FAA Faulted for Failure to Implement 2000 Law for Management of Park Air Tours
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FAA Faulted for Failure to Implement 2000 Law for Management of Park Air Tours
Diverted to Pick Up Wife, Aunt, and Guests He Classified as “Technical Experts”
Commercial Makeover of Historic Pavilion Merits Public Airing and Comment
Repeal and Replace Waters of U.S. Safeguards Rooted in “Alternative Facts”
Contradictions, Legal Questions, and Confusion Cloud Zinke Monument Review
More Than $100 Million Misused Yet No Repayments, Reforms or Reprimands
Even Slight Upturns Cannot Mask Historic Nosedive in Pollution Control
Susan Bodine Starts as “Special Counsel to Administrator on Enforcement” on Tues.
Findings of Illegality and Waste Fail to Spark Bureau of Reclamation Reform
Number of Criminal Investigators, Cases Opened, and Convictions Nosediving