Actions Undermining Public Health Duties and Whistleblower Protection Cited
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Actions Undermining Public Health Duties and Whistleblower Protection Cited
National Park Service Now Distancing Itself from Creationist Book It Approved
State Lowers Protections Despite Record Deaths and Projected Population Decline
Threats, Intimidation and Safety Concerns Documented in Independent Report
New Reasons: E-mails “Caused Embarrassment” and Cast “Unfavorable Light”
Orders to Cater to Creationists Makes National Park Agnostic on Geology
Conditional Veto Could Strike Out Exemptions and Strengthen Safeguards
San Francisco, Denver, Detroit, Kansas City & Seattle Facilities on Chopping Block
Worst Features Removed But Significant Sludge Left for Incoming Governor
State Push for Nonnative Game Fish Undercuts Federal Recovery Plans