Past Presidents' Words


Living Presidents

President/EPA Administrator


President Nixon “…wetlands are vital…they [serve] important function[s]…”environmentally critical.”
EPA Administrator Train (under President Ford) “…valuable…”
President Carter “…vital natural resources of critical importance…”
President Reagan “…broad international recognition of the economic, cultural, scientific, ecological, and recreational value of wetlands…”
EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Jensen (under Reagan) “…among the most fertile and productive ecosystems on earth…[w]etlands must join the list of resources vital to man.”
President George H.W. Bush “I am pleased to sign into law…the North American Wetlands Conservation Act…[to] renew…that noble commitment to improve environmental quality for all our people.”
President Clinton “The economic importance of wetlands to commercial fisheries and recreational uses is…enormous.”
EPA Administrator Browner (under President Clinton) “…America’s …wetlands…are among this country’s most valuable natural resources.”
EPA Administrator Johnson (under President George W. Bush) “Wetlands provide numerous ecological and economic services: they help to improve water quality; recharge water supplies; reduce flood risks; provide fish and wildlife habitat…and support valuable fishing and shellfish industries.”
President Obama “…wetlands…form the foundation of our nation’s water resources.”
President Trump “…a disaster…nearly every puddle or every ditch…EPA [made a] massive power grab…EPA’s regulators were putting people out of jobs by the hundreds of thousands…[t]hey treated them horribly. Horribly.”